Saturday, 6 July 2013

O Morsi what happened to your kursi ?

This is what happens when Muslims don't give importance to studying geopolitics and the political strategies of their enemies. A year ago Mubarak was ousted for reasons more political than religious. One has to very well understand, it is not possible for a population to gather together against the very leader they themselves democratically elected in such a short notice of time. There are very powerful foreign elements involved: US and most importantly ISRAEL..

Israel is hell bent on extendinding its borders according to the biblical model of the Holy Land (from River Nile to River Euphrates). This explains the massive supply of weapons from USA and its servants (Saudi and Qatar) to the Syrian rebels, as Bashar is one big obstacle in Israels path as he is in the Russian camp. Now since its been more than 2 years, but he is refusing to step down. What's the next available option. Lets put pressure from the other side. If Morsi steps down. And a new Israeli puppet come into power in Egypt . That is when Syria will succumb. Millions have already been killed in this bloodbath.

But Muslims need to get up and first get their facts right. The kingpin in all of this mess is Israel and her shoe shine boy US. They are in the back drop and they are making us fight other on sectarian grounds. And all of this because we have betrayed the Quran and the sunnah and our scholars have failed us fulfilling the prophesy of RasoolAllah (saw), " a time will come when the worst people under the sun would be the ulema".

Wake up everyone we don't have much time. If its Egypt today, it could be your country tomorrow. Turn to Surah Ambiya :95,96. These people who rule the world (Euro Judeo Christian alliance) is none other than Yajooj and Majooj. Another major sign of the Day of Judgement fulfilled.

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