Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Ahadith about our times of tribulation from Abu Dawud.

Narrated Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman:
Subay' ibn Khalid said: I came to Kufah at the time when Tustar was conquered. I took some mules from it. When I entered the mosque (of Kufah), I found there some people of moderate stature, and among them was a man whom you could recognize when you saw him that he was from the people of Hijaz.
I asked: Who is he? The people frowned at me and said: Do you not recognize him? This is Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman, the companion of the Messenger of Allah ().
Then Hudhayfah said: People used to ask the Messenger of Allah () about good, and I used to ask him about evil. Then the people stared hard at him.
He said: I know the reason why you dislike it. I then asked: Messenger of Allah, will there be evil as there was before, after this good which Allah has bestowed on us?
He replied: Yes. I asked: Wherein does the protection from it lie? He replied: In the sword. I asked: Messenger of Allah, what will then happen?
He replied: If Allah has on Earth a caliph who flays your back and takes your property, obey him, otherwise die holding onto the stump of a tree.
I asked: What will come next? He replied: Then the Antichrist (Dajjal) will come forth accompanied by a river and fire. He who falls into his fire will certainly receive his reward, and have his load taken off him, but he who falls into his river will have his load retained and his reward taken off him.
I then asked: What will come next? He said: The Last Hour will come.

Syria ! Ya Allah Syria ! !

[Before everything, i want to make it very clear, i am not pro assad. I hate him like i hate all the rulers of the world. Neither am i shia. I am a staunch orthodox Sunni Muslim.]

It started in 2011. The first time i saw the resistance, i thought to myself, this is a noble and an islamic resistance against a dictator. I remember making a video also in support of the so called Free Syrian Army. But there was something wrong in the entire thing. The biggest QUESTION in my mind was CAN MUSLIMS MAKE AN ALLIANCE AND ASK THE HELP OF THEIR ENEMIES TO GET RID OF THEIR RULERS?

I remember reading the Quran especially Surah Maida verse 50 which completely prohibits alliances with Jews and Christians, who themselves are friends of each other. The contemporary terms for that Quranic ayat would be Zionist NATO states.

And now its crystal clear in my mind without a shadow of a doubt these people who are fighting Bashar Al Assad are worse than him. They are psychopaths, maniacs. They are openly funded by USA, Saudi, qatar and Britain, which are all zionist states. Israel being the hidden King Pin. Lets not forget, this whole Arab spring cum slaughter is to secure the position of the state of israel.

Shame on the Ulema of the Muslim world. Shame on the salafi ulema who call these paid mercenaries and takfiri millitants from saudi and tunisia , mujahideen. These are anything but mujahideen. Mujahideen are not paid $100 after day long of killing innocent people. Al Jazeera has blinded our eyes. Muslim brotherhood has blinded our eyes. The muslim scholarship in USA have blinded our eyes. They have failed us and they have betrayed RasoolAllah (saw) by saying that these paid millitants are fighting to restore Khilafa.

Gaddafi fell very easily, but Assad refuses to fall, so their new plan is to create a new hoax of a CHEMICAL WEAPON ATTACK in Syria. Hence US will be forced to intervene. All this while Putin had been preventing that. But now these Takfiri Wahhabi millitants have forced the US to forge a chemical attack using Russian ammunition to tell the world, we are just retaliating. Please dont fall in this eye washing and pray for your innocent brothers and sisters in Syria who are being massacred in this fight for power.

Please think for one second, when USA killed our thousands of muslim brethren in Iraq and Afghanistan, why should they support Syrian muslims. For sure they have a great benefit out of this war. They want to make Syria a client state of Israel, by bringing about a regime change. And stupid dumb headed muslims are supporting this America  led armed struggle against the Syrian Government. If you want to overthrow your dictatorship and establish an Islamic Government, you dont take the millitary help of Shaytaan. No you dont. you have to have faeces in your head to think USA will help you build the islamic Khilafa.

I again say i hate Bashar Al assad. he is an evil dictator, but the ones who are fighting him are even worse than him. This is not how you fight Fi sabeelilah. this is how you fight Fi sabeeli shaytaan.
Didnt my beloved Messenger (saw) say, "A time will come when the worst people under the sky will be the ulema of Islam". That time is here.

 Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet () said: There will be civil strife (fitnah) which will render people deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right. Those who contemplate it will be drawn by it, and giving rein to the tongue during it will be like smiting with the sword.

(Sunan Abi Dawud 4264)

(This is exactly what is happening right now. People are confused about the events. Bashar is evil then what about NATO whose help you want. Arnt they worse than Bashar. Giving reign to the tongue will be like striking with a sword. Exactly what is happening right now. Al Jazeera, CNN, bbc are all brainwashing people are their one news report renders several thousands dead in Syria and Egypt.)

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As:
The Prophet () said: There will be civil strife which wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword.
Abu Dawud said: Al-Thawri transmitted it from Laith, from Tawus on the authority of Al-A'jam.
(Sunan Abi Dawud 4265)

Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh:
That the Prophet () once came to her in a state of fear and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near (the Arab Spring). An opening has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this," making a circle with his thumb and index finger. Zainab bint Jahsh said, "O Allah's Messenger ()! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?" He said, "Yes, when the evil person will increase."
( Sahih al-Bukhari 3346)

(The people who are hell bent on completely annihilating the Arab population are none other than the people of Yajooj and Majooj. Yes the Major sign of the Day of Judgement has occured. Who are they? The NATO led alliance (US, britain france) and the Russia led alliance. They are working day and night to destroy the Arabs inorder to secure the state of Israel, preparing it for their Messiah who is the greatest fitnah the world will ever witness- Al Masih Ad dajjal.)

Saturday, 24 August 2013

The One Eye of Dajjal.

About 50 years ago a movement was initiated called the Salafi Movement. The main characteristics of that movement were more emphasis on the religious text and a very literal interpretation of its meanings. An example of that is when the Messenger(saw) said, "The Dajjal will travel on a donkey, that will have its ears spread out and will fly with the speed of clouds". Now even a school boy would know this is talking about an aircraft. But the Salafis insist No! Its a Donkey.. So they are still waiting for a man who will come on a "flying donkey". And this is their approach in every socio-political matter. When one stubbornly insist on taking a literal interpretation in everything, much of the wisdom which is being said is lost. A literal view is not always the right view, because at the end of the day the Messenger (saw) did not tell us to take all of his sayings literally. An example of that is when he (saw) told the sahaba " not to pray Asr except in Banu Quraidah".

 Before everything i want to make it very clear, that there is no doubt about the fact that Dajjal is a man. he will be a jew, powerfully built and will have curly hair. There is nothing symbolic about this. Some people mistake Dajjal with a system. That is completely WRONG. There is nothing symbolic about yajooj and majooj being human beings either.

  But when the Messenger (saw) said "On Dajjal's forehead will be written Ka Fa Ra and every believer will be able to read, whether he is KAATIB (literate) or GHAIR KAATIB (illiterate). But the disbeliever will not be able to see". One wonders why doesn't the disbeliever see that thing on his forehead. Keep in mind we live in the time of Google Translate, where no language is a barrier, but the illiterate believer can see it, even though he has no familiarity with alphabets. So we take the disbeliever to the Eye specialist. The eye specialist gives us a report, there is nothing wrong with his eyes, perfect vision. But then why can't he see. May be because these eyes on our face are not required to see it.

In the Quran Allah swt says "They have eyes but they do not see, they have ears but they do not hear".
Or the famous ayat "Summun Bukmun U'myun" (Deaf,dumb and blind are the disbelievers). Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab werent disabled. But then why does Allah Azawajal say they are deaf, dumb and blind. Because there are spiritual eyes with which we see the truth. There are spiritual ears with which we recognise the words of our Lord.

The Quran says, "It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts within the chest". Have we seen Allah? No. But we believe in Him. Have we seen Paradise and Hellfire? No !  But we believe in them. It is our spiritual side that gives witness that yes! this is the truth, even though our material/physical being does not see it. So we will not require these eyes with the lashes to recognise he is that greatest fitnah dajjal that our Messenger(saw) warned us about. But our Spiritual heart the one with which we discern right from wrong will identify him. Notice here the Prophet (saw) said a "mo'min" will recognise him. This is a higher level than a muslim. A muslim is one who fulfils the Five pillars of Islam, but a believer is one step ahead, not only does he fulfill his duties but his heart is content with absolute Belief in his Lord, the messengers, angels, divine books, paradise and hell and the divine pre ordainment.

In traditional languages also we have an expression like, "Ye jhoot bol raha hai, iske maathe pe likha hai ye jhoot bol raha hai", "Iske moo pe likha hai ye pagal hai". Does not mean, this man here has P A G A L written on his forehead. it means he is mad, everything about his is crazy.

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf explains it well. Jesus Christ (pbuh) has been described as being the model of spirituality. He didnt get married, he hardly ate,he would fast alot, he wouldn't sleep much. That is why the catholic model of Christianity emphasis on starving the body because it incites the human being to evil desires. On the contrast the anti christ will be the complete opposite. If Christ put a lot of emphasis on spirituality, the anti christ will be excessively materialistic. Bas ye Dunya. Khao piyo aesh karo maze karo (Enjoy your life, dont think about tomorrow YOLO). Dont think about any other world. Its just this world. There is nothing after this world. My eyes can see it, so it must not exist at all. This is SECULARISM. We are living in times, where everything has been secularised, from education to work to conversation to politics to even family relationships.

We were taught the Big Bang Theory in school. Did the teacher tell us that it was Allah swt who initiated the Big Bang and then gave everything its form.NO. We live in a state, does the constitution of any modern nation state comply with the laws of Allah. Allah said alcohol is haram. State makes it halal. Allah swt said interest is haraam. State makes it halal. We must not exclude Saudi Arabia from this. They just have an outwardly display of Sharia. Just dressing the women in abayas is not enough. They are the reason why we dont have the Khilafa, they are the reason why we have the menace of fraudulant paper currency petro dollar. When a person goes to the doctor, does the doctor say Allah is the one who cured you. No! He says there was some chemical imbalance in your system and some virus. This pill i gave you healed you. Will the rich billionaires who the world looks at, like Rumsfeld say Allah has provided for me. This is all His. No they say, we went to business schools, we worked hard, made the right investments and that's how we have reached here. And this is everywhere in all fields. This is "Elimination of the Divine from every sphere of Life".

And this is precisely the "One Eye" of dajjal. Dajjal and the civilization he has designed namely the Modern World Order in which we live in, is everyday climbing Material Heights ie he can see will the left eye. Yesterday it would take a month to travel, now i can fly. Yesterday it would take weeks for a letter to reach, now i can facetime. From the apparent it looks like an amazing world, but the truth is that mankind had never been so morally and spiritually bankrupt.

Being blind with the right eye makes him and the people who have already followed him spiritually incapacitated. "What are you talking about Interest being haraam, my business has never been better". Such a person couldn't care less if you were to tell him that Allah and His Messenger have waged a WAR against the one who deals with interest. You hear people say "which century do you live in ! Im young i wanna have fun. Who wants to get married when i can have fun without responsibility". Such a person's spiritual blindness does not allow him to understand the hadith where RasoolAllah (saw) saw men and women being burnt and tortured brutally for zina. But these very spiritually blind people are successful in the world today. They rule countries, appear in movies, the youth looks upto them. This further consolidates the Dajjalic One Eye.

If the Dajjal literally is One eyed and has" ka fa ra"  literally written on his forehead, then any person will be able to identify him. Then why is he called Dajjal which comes from the root word "Dajjala" which means to impersonate, to deceive. What is deceiveing about him if everyone can read those letters. Rather only true Imaan will be able to identify that yes this man indeed is the one we were warned about by our beloved Prophet (saw).

 Didnt he (saw) say that "In that time people will be sifted in two camps, the camp of Imaan and the camp of Nifaq (hypocrisy)" Right now everyone is living together under a veil. We cant see who is a true believer and who is a hypocrite, but when Dajjal is released, only the true believers will be able to identify and save themselves from his fitnah like the Young men of the cave in surah kahf. But the rest will be quite comfortable with his rule, like they are quite comfortable with the morally corrupt western supremacy over the world, which will take them straight to the hellfire.

 So i suggest to you to listen not only to the salafi scholars who are incapable of interpreting the modern age, but give scholars like Shaykh Imran Hosein, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Zaid Hamid, Shaykh Safar Al hawali a listening ear. These are very difficult times and if we see with one eye we wont be able to see the reality.

The Prophet (saw) said," The dajjal will come with two things, a river and a fire. But his river will be a fire and his fire will be the cool waters of a river." Implying that the age of Dajjal will be one in which appearance and reality will be quite different.

Wallahu Ta'ala Aalim
(And Allah knows best)